8 Personal Reminders to Help Keep Your Life in Check

Why Remind? We are fallible human beings who can forget. In the overwhelming demands of daily living, we get bombarded with continuous distractions, expectations, emotions, and responsibilities. [...]


6 Things You Can Reaffirm for Positive Change

Why Reaffirm? It validates your opinions, decisions, and desired outcomes and it increases your confidence and conviction. Affirmative words and actions confirm you are on the right path and help [...]


6 Ways to Rethink Change for Anything and Everything

Why Rethink? The first thought is not always the best thought; raise awareness that there is more than one right way to do things. The progression of reclaiming things lost naturally causes you [...]


8 Things to Reclaim in Life and Business

Why Reclaim? To enjoy the return of something which was once yours. Reflecting and reassessing may leave you feeling like something important is missing in your life or that you have lost [...]


4 Questions to Help You Reassess

Why Reassess? Because almost nothing stays the same—you have continuous opportunities for a fresh perspective. Reflection from the last section has probably left you feeling one of two [...]

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