Reconnect to What Makes You Happy & Brings You Joy

  Why Reconnect? Connection is one of our greatest needs and desires as social animals—to progress and prosper, we need to feel acceptance, inclusion, fulfillment, and emotional safety. [...]


Regenerate & Renew to Breathe Life Into You

  Why Regenerate? Breathing new life into your thinking, activities, and relationships will create fresh ideas for innovative ways of living. Step back and take a candid look at your [...]


8 Great Ways to Reciprocate & Attract The Good

  Why Reciprocate? The world is a mirror and when you give without expecting anything in return, you will attract goodness to be returned to you. “And as we let our own light shine, we [...]


10 Energizing Ways to Recharge Your Days

  Why Recharge? Recharging will jumpstart your energy when you are feeling depleted, running low, or losing luster. “Positive energy is your priceless life force. Protect it. Don’t allow [...]


Refresh & Renew to Inspire You

Why Refresh? Going “out with the old and in with the new” resets our buttons and revives and prepares us to take on what’s next with energy and vigor. “Rest when you’re weary. [...]

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