Susan’s Book Store
Whether you hope to navigate change, create something brand new, or improve upon the past, Susan will help you make the right choices for the right reasons. Visit or explore her store to discover her entire book collection for smart ways to . . .
All books are available in both print and Kindle.

Change isn’t going anywhere and will continue to happen again, again, and again . . . with you, without you, for you, or against you. That’s life. They why do some people strive and thrive, while others flop and flounder? You have the power to choose! Join Susan Young as she shares her 3-Step Formula for harnessing the power of change, being exponentially resilient, and optimizing your outcomes in life and in business.

With every new encounter, impressions are made and opinions are formed in only a matter of seconds. It happens in an instant, but its impact may last a lifetime. Make these moments meaningful and memorable. Regardless of the venue, there are skills you can learn and special qualities you can adopt to help you make a POSITIVE IMPACT! Join Susan Young as she shares 8 Ways to Shine Bright & Transform Your Relationship Results. All books are available in both print and Kindle.

Would you like to expand your influence to make a POSITIVE IMPACT in the world? In her upcoming book, Susan Young shares the remarkable process she discovered which helped her publish 10 books on Amazon in a year. Learn ways to organize your brilliant ideas, get focused and get writing, push aside fear, doubt & procrastination, be self-published in a short period of time, and create rapid-fire content for books, blog, articles & more!