Reconsider the Possibilities While Adapting to Change

Why Reconsider? By keeping your mind open, you may discover a sense of flexibility and confidence, adventure and awe that takes you to places you may never have imagined. Reconsideration creates [...]


4 Scenarios to Rewind in Your Mind

Why Rewind? To re-experience a memory, a moment, or a feeling.  Do you remember seeing a TV show or a movie in which they would rewind the film and reverse the scene which had just occurred? [...]


5 Ways to Rejuvenate

Why Rejuvenate?  It makes life more enjoyable and invigorating. Maximize your qualities and boost your energy for excellence—every day. Rejuvenation is a cleansing word that conjures images of [...]


Rock Your Personal Brand for Positive Impact

Whether it is in the way you walk, talk, dress or behave, YOUR PERSONAL BRAND impacts how people perceive you. It is the essence of what makes you likable, knowable and trustworthy. It is no [...]


Got An Idea? Write It Down!

Writing down great ideas is only the beginning to unleashing your goals and enhancing your memory. Useful information is a valuable commodity in living life more effectively so get it on paper [...]

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