Make the Choice to Rejoice to Create Positive Change & Transformation

    Why Rejoice? Living in a spirit of gratitude and celebration not only attracts more good to flow your way, but it also shifts your being into a state of bliss—which is a wonderful [...]


8 Tips for Reconnecting in a More Meaningful & Authentic Way

Psychological Thriving In his book, The Power of the Other . . . The Startling Effects Others Have On Us from the Bedroom to the Boardroom and Beyond and What to Do About It, Dr. Henry Cloud [...]


Reconnect with Yourself and Others for Happiness & Resilience

  Why Reconnect? Connection is one of our greatest needs and desires as social animals—to progress and prosper, we need to feel acceptance, inclusion, fulfillment, and emotional safety. [...]


13 Areas to Restrengthen for Resilience & Success

  Why Restrengthen?  Fortifying your personal strength, potency, and power boosts your confidence, energy, and courage to boldly navigate change and transformation. Even a life lived well [...]


Tune-in, Tune-up & Reharmonize to Calm the Chaos in Life

  Why Reharmonize? Bringing various qualities together in harmony will create music rather than noise, bringing peace, calm, and delight. In the rhythm of life, perfect harmony is bliss, yet [...]

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