In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation


Why Reharmonize? Bringing various qualities together in harmony will create music rather than noise, bringing peace, calm, and delight.

In the rhythm of life, perfect harmony is bliss, yet challenging to achieve on a regular basis. Due to that, we can get used to being “out of tune,” with one or more people, and go on as if everything is perfectly fine.  To achieve the perfect pitch is quite a skill. It has to be a priority. One has to know the difference.

Have you ever seen a barbershop quartet sing without background music? They will blow into a tuner to get the right pitch before they even begin to sing. By starting with the right pitch, their diverse voices are able to come together in perfect harmony to optimize their performance.

My son, Nick, who plays the guitar beautifully, does something similar. Every time he sits down to play, he will open the guitar tuner app on his cell phone and tune the strings so that bad keys do not lead him astray and compromise his experience and sound. Tuning up results in better outcomes.

Dreadful Discord

Our life, and the people and circumstances in it can sometimes sound like a musical orchestra warming up.  As each musician plays his or her individual instrument in preparation for the concert, the resulting sound is a cacophony of chaos and conflict. Without regard to the screeching sounds around them, they may be oblivious to the painful discord being inflicted on the listener.

Once they all come together in unison, however, they are then able to create extraordinary music with beautiful sounds.  When they practice re-harmonization, all parts come together for good and create incredible beauty for the listener.

When elements in your life are out of tune, in conflict, or clashing against each other, it is time to tune-in, tune-up, and re-harmonize.

Reharmonizing Involves . . .

  • Turning your “listening ear” to the other person.
  • Modifying your own chords to harmonize with the other person.
  • Understanding your own inner workings.
  • Striving to deepen understanding of yourself, to deepen understanding between you and the other person.
  • Recognizing two instruments are different, yet when reharmonized, make sweet music together.

“The requirements for our evolution have changed.  Survival is no longer sufficient. Our evolution now requires us to develop spiritually—to become emotionally aware and make responsible choices. It requires us to align ourselves with the values of the soul—harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life.”

—Gary Zukav

Motivational Keynote Speaker and Change Expert Susan C. Young helps organizations leverage the power of Change & Resilience to Boost Positivity, Improve Engagement and Transform their Teams to make a POSITIVE IMPACT in life and business. This is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Motivational Keynote Speaker Susan C Young, Release the Power of Re3 BookMotivational Keynote Speaker Susan C Young, Release the Power of Re3 Book, Restrengthen