Top 14 Tips for Email Excellence

As with face-to-face communication, email can provide you with the opportunity to present your best self and make a great first impression.


Emotional Intelligence for Positive First Impressions

The "Art of First Impressions for Positive Impact" is based on the premise that when you become self-aware and learn how to shine bright as your best self, you can transform your relationships in [...]


Being Fully Present & Engaged

When you are fully present and engaged in your workplace, you will demonstrate that you care about the success of your organization, are a team player, have a can-do attitude, and will go the [...]


Punctuality Plus for Effective Time Management

“The habit of being prompt once formed extends to everything—meeting  friends, paying debts, going to church, reaching and leaving a place of business, keeping promises, retiring at night and [...]


Being a Social Chameleon

Do You Adapt Well In New Social Settings? Chameleons are lizards that are famous for their ability to change their colors and fit in as their environments require. This ability enables them to [...]

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