In Susan Young

Engage in Your Best Life Now!

Jim-Vail-Pink-Sunset-600x400An acorn is genetically engineered to become a mighty oak tree. Given the opportunity to grow and the right environment in which to flourish, an acorn automatically becomes what it was designed to be. Once it is activated, it does everything within its power to fully realize its potential and live its making. We humans are also genetically engineered for greatness, yet we are the only species on the planet that sabotages our own making.

This unrealized potential can get buried so deeply below our experiences, conditioning, hurts, obligations, hang-ups and lack of awareness, that we may not even realize that another reality is possible. Simply the mere suggestion or support from another is all it takes to activate our possibilities for a life-changing experience. Make a new decision, take action, change direction, meet new people, or learn a new talent. Whatever it takes to activate your awesome, ignite your shine and get you rolling, do it!

What have you not tried, but would consider? What adventure have you yearned for? Who have you always wanted to meet? What instrument have you wanted to learn to play? I once heard a story of a brilliant violinist who gave a magnificent performance. After his concert, a mother and her young son approached the musician. The young boy, looked up at him and said, “Do you play the piano?” and the violinist reflectively replied, “I don’t know… I never tried!”

Activation is an essential process in science to generate the energy needed to create a reaction and initiate change or transformation. When you activate something in a chemical reaction, you’re not going to get anything going on, or changing until you provide that activation energy to overcome the obstacles. When things are too cold, enzymes slow down or don’t work at all. Turn up the heat and raise the temperature and it kicks the enzymes into action to do what they need to do. Activating your own awesome is about opening and understanding more than what you think currently exists.

ACTIVATE YOUR AWESOME! Digging deep into your desired potential, your possibilities and abilities, what would be your best self? Be it! What would be your best life? Live it! If anything were possible, what would you be? Be it! You already have the raw materials in your making, now what are you going to do with it? Activate the forces within yourself, set them in motion to create the reality you desire!

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