In Susan Young

Ah Ha!! The light bulb goes off in your head and you can see the light, where once there was total darkness.

Don’t you love when that happens? An AH HA moment provides an empowering awakening where you experience true understanding and clarity.  It enables you to shift your mindset to a new way of thinking and see things from a new perspective.

“An AH HA is an idea that grabs you. But like slippery fish, ideas are liable to get away, never to return, unless we gaff them with the point of a pencil. Write down your AH HA’s immediately. When you do, they yours,” once shared motivational speaker Joel Weldon in his program, “Success Comes in Cans, Not in Cannots.”

Writing down great ideas is only the beginning to unleashing your goals and enhancing your memory. Useful information is a valuable commodity in living life more effectively so get it on paper before it gets away. Are you a list maker? A note taker? A goal setter? Excellent. When you put your ideas on paper you take ownership, which encourages action. Action manifests success.

Throughout our lifetimes we hear fantastic material! Why do our brains insist upon selective memory? Wouldn’t you love to remember and tell the funniest jokes you’ve ever heard? Would it be great to recall poems or songs that once brought you to tears? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to rely more on your brain and less on your day-timer?

Facts: even while sailing, Albert Einstein scribbled notes and fragments of formulas in a pocket diary. Charles Darwin filled five journals on his voyages, which shaped his Theories of Evolution. Elias Howe invented the sewing machine in a dream he recorded the next morning. “I know what you’re thinking: geniuses the lot. It’s true. Journals, though, were catalysts to their rich productivity. Even Einstein could forget,” wrote Alexandra Johnson.

The journals which I have written over the years have been a flavorful concoction of diverse ideas. Goals, dreams, list of things to do, “how-to” accomplish tasks, fears, joys, success stories. They have all become fibers to a rich tapestry that not only color my personality, but provide a fabulous remembrance for my personal growth and life’s experience.

Even when it’s not in journal form, I’ll have pages and pages of different lists, goals and ideas throughout my house. Some are to fortify a slipping memory; some are to simplify my life; others are to clarify what I need to get done to be effective and productive. A blank pad of paper is a beckoning invitation to pour your words and thoughts on paper. In the book, “The Artists Way,” Julia Cameron encourages everyone to write  Morning Pages for 15 minutes a day about anything and everything.

“Anyone who writes morning pages will be led to a connection with a source of wisdom within. The map of our own interior. The pages lead us out of despair and into undreamed-of solutions,” writes Julia Cameron.  Despair can represent disorganization, unrealized dreams, a broken heart, overwhelm from daily tasks, stress from too many details and even an unsatisfied yearning for creative expression. Whether to gain clarity, resolve a problem, let off steam, share an opinion or explore new talents, writing will help you get your mental juices flowing to unleash your power within.

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