Shift, shed, & shine
How to Thrive in Times of Change

“Susan Young’s presentation was extremely motivating, exhilarating, and lots of fun. She touched on what I believe were the key issues affecting our current emotions in our everyday job and career lives. It was good to hear and see from the reaction of many of us that what we have gone and continue to go through is normal and with trust, encouragement, and teamwork, we can conquer anything that comes our way.”
George Tellez | Commercial Underwriter

In our world, too many people are living a current reality that is drastically different from the life they desire. We are running at breakneck speeds—too often, out of balance. We are expected to do more with less and have more tasks to complete than we have hours in the day. How do you help your team get OFF the treadmill, calm the chaos and greet change from a position of strength and positivity? It all starts with a SHIFT.
Based on her upcoming book, SHIFT, SHED, & SHINE . . . Your Go-To Guide for Resilience in Times of Change, motivational keynote speaker Susan C Young shares the strategies and mental shifts necessary to get “UNSTUCK” from those habits and thought processes that sabotage success. With humor, heart, and tremendous passion, Susan helps audience members to create the clarity and vision that will allow them to move more swiftly and confidently in the direction of their dreams.
Your Audience Will Learn How To . . .
- Navigate uncertainty with optimism and possibility
- SHIFT your mindset to embrace change rather than resist it
- SHED limiting beliefs, habits, and hang-ups that hold you back
- SHINE with ways to transform your life, loves, and business for the better
- Engage “Emotional Intelligence” to boost the energy in your workplace
It’s time for a SHIFT. A change of perspective. A challenge to change. Give your team the tools they need to shine in their position and in their lives. It’s a win-win that will create a ripple effect throughout your entire organization.
SHIFT Your Mindset, SHED Limiting Beliefs, SHINE to Your True Potential
Inspiring your organization to BOOST POSITIVITY, IMPROVE ENGAGEMENT, & TRANSFORM YOUR TEAMS so that you can . . .
Make a Positive Impact