In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Revise? Life is a living document which requires editing and revision as our stories unfold.

It is Wise to Revise

Revision means “re-vision” and gives us an opportunity to look at the big picture to see where adjustments need to be made. It is an essential activity for people who work with the written word. Whether it be policies, procedures, instructions, articles, books, laws, contracts, amendments, or sales proposals—revising enables us to edit for improvement and elaboration.

Even with an email, it is wise to read it two or three times before sending. Your revision ensures that your message is being clearly communicated so that the receiver thoroughly understands your tone and intent.

Texts, sent quickly, can have typos and be dangerously sketchy when self-correcting technology changes your words and distorts your intentions. Don’t presume with an email, text, or in life, that the final draft is as you wish if you haven’t taken the time to revise as you go.

Revise as changes occur and new information becomes available. Be willing to take the time to go back, look again, and consider where and how you can make adjustments in order to stay in alignment with your vision, mission, passion, and purpose.

A Living Document

In our work and in life, we can and should lose the fear of being wrong, or having to shift gears in the middle of the road. For example, just when I thought I had this book’s content and beautiful graphics all wrapped up nice and tidy, it was evident that it was still being developed. I reconsidered what it would take to make it even better.

Walking my talk, I decided to “Review, Redo and Renew” the entire Release the Power of Re3 book. It was a great reminder that life, and everything in it, is a living, breathing, ever-changing document. Nothing is set in stone, never to change. As a writer, I knew that revision could transform my working draft and it did.

Move beyond revising only the written word, and consider the ways in which you can revise your life. You are a human working draft and can seek ways to revise your life story. Welcome the opportunity—learn to love and allow ongoing revision—all it takes is an attitude to adapt and a willingness to do so.

Rather than rehashing the past, know that your life is alive—active and vigorous . . . vital and spirited—and able to be changed to demonstrate those priorities and so much more!

“It’s never too late – in fiction or in life – to revise.”  

—Nancy Thayer

This blog is an excerpt from Susan’s new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more, please visit or




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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.