Reroute to Discover Alternative Paths for Your Desired Outcomes

Why Reroute? It gives you new options when you have made a wrong turn, hit a dead-end, or have ended up in the wrong place. “All human creativity mirrors GPS navigation.” —Mike Dooley          I [...]


6 Important Reasons to Reevaluate to Achieve Best Outcomes

Why Re-evaluate? It stimulates personal perspective and focus, and promotes the achievement of your goals. It’s extremely rewarding to retrace the path that resulted in a completed goal [...]


Reimagine Possibilities for Renewed Vision and Change

Why Reimagine?  It enables you to go beyond the edge of your current reality and to expand your imagination, possibilities and understanding. Reimagine Your Vision Re-imagination is the [...]


Refocus on What You Want Rather Than What You Don’t

Why Refocus? Getting clear and concise will help you create a single-minded priority for the thing(s) you truly want to accomplish. Please take note of this: Whatever you focus on will expand, so [...]


Rearrange Life to Create Spatial Serenity & Order

Why Rearrange? Creating spatial serenity and order will impact you in positive ways, both psychologically and physically, that can help you become more effective and peaceful. The shows on HGTV [...]

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