In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Refocus? Getting clear and concise will help you create a single-minded priority for the thing(s) you truly want to accomplish.

Please take note of this: Whatever you focus on will expand, so be very mindful of where you are focusing your energies and how you are focusing your thoughts. Changing your focus is one of the most important steps you can take for shifting your mindset to attract the outcomes you desire.

In the words of Tony Robbins, “Where focus goes energy flows.” If everything feels like a grind or a challenge, take a moment and ask yourself, “What has my focus been on?”

If you focus on the negatives about yourself, about others, or about situations and problems, they will continue to persist. When you focus on the positives and solutions, however, it’s as if invisible hands come from the universe to help you along your journey with the solutions.

When you dedicate focused thought, focused strategy, focused energy, and focused effort to any situation, your singleness of purpose will work as a catalyst to help you achieve your goals.

If you’re trying to change your life to become the new improved version of your former self, refocus on what you want so that you can break free from what you once were and what you are determined to leave behind.

Visual Victories

My brain is easily distracted by the next big idea or new shiny object. Squirrel! Through the years, I have experimented with many focus-building methods, and have finally discovered what works best for me. I have adapted as needed to fit my personality style. As a visual person, I need big, bold, visual lists to keep me on task and give me a sense of accomplishment.

Whether I am planning my marketing strategy for my business, handling project management for my writing projects and books, or dreaming of home projects, I use a dry erase board with colored markers. I have three boards in different rooms in my house so there is always one nearby to capture my brilliant ideas as they arise, or make a note of a task which needs to be done. There is also an intrinsic satisfaction which comes from drawing a line through the items I have completed. What a sweet reward! What methods work best for you?

10 Ways to Refocus to Tame Your Monkey Brain

  1. Minimize distractions.
  2. Clear the clutter from your desk, your home, and your life.
  3. Write everything down to provide you with visual tracking.
  4. Finish first things first and don’t buy into the myth of multitasking.
  5. Prioritize your most important tasks.
  6. Set up habits and systems to help you get and stay organized.
  7. Delegate the little stuff that slows you down, or is not in your wheelhouse.
  8. Enjoy the process and find pleasure in your activities.
  9. Work in sprints, not marathons, to maximize short bursts, rather than get burned out from the long haul.
  10. Get centered, grounded, and laser-focused.

The Power of Focus

Here, there, everywhere! In our fast-paced and distracted society, we are constantly bombarded by short news cycles, information overload, and interruptions. Our ‘short attention span epidemic’ has forever changed how people read, learn, and process information. Generations have not only adapted to the short staccato pace of Facebook and Twitter, but it is now the “new norm.” In our hectic lifestyles, ‘focus’ has become a rare and valuable commodity.

Developing your power of focus, however, is one of the most important things you can do for living a productive life. Bestselling author and pastor Rick Warren shares, “There’s awesome power in a focused life. Diffused light doesn’t have much of an effect on what it touches. But when you focus light—like the sun’s light through a magnifying glass—you can light a piece of paper or grass on fire. If you can focus it even more, it becomes a laser. A laser can cut through steel and destroy cancer.” Imagine the magic that can happen when you simply FOCUS!


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or




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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.