8 Things Happy People Refuse to Do

Why Refuse? There are times when saying “yes” is simply not in your best interest. In the pursuit of trying to be all things to all people, or trying to live up to another person’s [...]


Show Care to Repair & Heal Relationships

  Why Repair? Something valuable is worth saving. Some people come from the mindset that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Life proves that sometimes things need to be [...]


Reawaken to a New Day for Positive Change

Why Reawaken? Moving toward an enlightened and informed mindset encourages a shift in consciousness which taps into your intuitive nature and timeless knowing for truth. Time is passing lightning [...]


6 Important Reasons to Reevaluate to Achieve Best Outcomes

Why Re-evaluate? It stimulates personal perspective and focus, and promotes the achievement of your goals. It’s extremely rewarding to retrace the path that resulted in a completed goal [...]


Feeling Lost? Retrace Your Steps to Get Back on Track

Why Retrace? When you look at where you have been, it will help you get where you’re going. If you are ever feeling lost or unsure of what to do, you can simply retrace the path that brought you [...]

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