In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Realign? When we are out of alignment, it wears down our parts, pieces, energy, resolve, and essence, resulting in undesired consequences.

When the wheels of your car are out of alignment, not only are the tires and other parts worn down and damaged, but steering and the quality of the ride are adversely impacted.  Likewise, when your spine is out of alignment, you may experience pain, headaches, and poor posture, all resulting in a diminished quality of life.

Alignment works the same for every other aspect of your life. You know what it feels like when you are out of alignment physically, spiritually, emotionally, or mentally. It wears you down, stresses you out, and negatively impacts your health and well-being. When you’re out of alignment, life is more of a struggle, tasks become harder, and relationships may encounter more conflict. How does it happen?

Realigning Our Relationships

When a relationship gets out of whack, it can create untold suffering, misunderstanding, mistakes, heartache, and emotional shutdown. If an important relationship is feeling fragile, make the effort to realign and put it back on track. Whether you are realigning your values, your expectations, your roles, or responsibilities, your efforts to realign will demonstrate your level of commitment and loyalty. It will inevitably strengthen your overall potential for a healthy outcome with that person—repairing what was broken or had gone wrong.

Cheri had a trustee whom she felt was her nemesis. He would fight, resist, and criticize her every step of the way. She scheduled a time to meet with him, by requesting time for an honest conversation about what was happening between them, since they were going to have to keep working together.

After authentic and mutually respectful communication, they reached an agreement about certain things they both could agree upon. It changed all of their dealings and interactions moving forward. Realignment allowed them to get on the same side of the issues. Walking parallel, they no longer crisscrossed the other and became an integral part of the solution, not the problem.

Identify Causes for Misalignment

  • What is causing stress and conflict?
  • What is draining your energy?
  • What is making you feel bad?
  • What symptoms is your body exhibiting?
  • Do your thoughts match your actions?
  • Are you holding onto grudges and resentments?
  • Are you living in alignment with your integrity and values?

Feeling unsettled? Align your integrity with your actions. Reaffirm your intention. Once you realize what may be causing misalignment, make a concerted effort to close the gaps, realign, and feel true to yourself, effective and dynamic again. Readdress and reinterpret as needed.


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or


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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.