Renovate & Restore to Bring You Back to Your Original Best

Why Renovate to Restore?  Bringing something back to life can increase its value, enrich your enjoyment, and improve its usefulness. Having a deep passion for interior design and creating beauty, [...]


Recapture Your Joy for Thriving in Times of Change

Why Recapture? When you are stuck in a rut and no longer experiencing happiness and fun, you can return to your natural joy and playfulness. Years ago, when going through a very difficult time in [...]


Enjoy Rebirth for Your Own Personal Rensaissance

Why Rebirth? Literature, philosophy, psychology, and spiritual traditions are replete with examples of the power of being born again to a new way of being to transform and enhance our experience [...]


Reconsider the Possibilities While Adapting to Change

Why Reconsider? By keeping your mind open, you may discover a sense of flexibility and confidence, adventure and awe that takes you to places you may never have imagined. Reconsideration creates [...]


Readdress Issues for Clarity, Peace, and Resolution

Why Readdress? It opens the door for healthy communication; to help, heal, clarify, and gain understanding. Do you sometimes feel like your lines get crossed and misunderstanding ensues? My book [...]

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