In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why a Resolution? Declaring what you want in life activates your energy, sets your intention, and helps you build momentum to move forward in the direction of your dreams.

Writing your New Year’s resolutions is a great tradition to begin your new year from a position of optimism, positive expectancy, goal setting, and strength. The real magic happens, though, when resolutions become a part of your daily routines, personal habits, and proactive choices.

Some people are so good at telling others what to do with their lives that they get offended when a person doesn’t take their advice. Yet, they will not create goals or resolutions for declaring what is important to change in their own lives. Many people associate resolutions with failure because they’ve broken promises to themselves so many times before that they don’t want to fail again. As a result, they avoid setting goals—or making an inner pledge or decree toward a goal.

If you are one of the wise people who does set resolutions, research has shown you are ten times more likely to improve your life when you do. You obviously want to improve your life or you would not be reading this book.

What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? What time are you willing to invest in creating your best life now? Your resolutions are the key to moving forward in that direction.

Help Your Resolutions Stick

  • Be tenacious—stick to your course of action
  • Be realistic—one change with reasonable progress
  • Be open to timeouts—reward with something fun
  • Be honest—never say never!

Secret Formula for Success

My friend, Tina Hallis, Ph.D., runs the speaking and training firm The Positive Edge ( As a positivity expert, she helps people break out of their negative thinking so they can be more positive at work, at home, and with each other.

In her Free Weekly Tips, she shared, “New Year’s resolutions are notoriously tough to keep—as is true with almost any goal that requires us to change. Whether we are trying to eat healthier, exercise more, get more organized, or to quit smoking, the odds are against us.  Unless . . . we know the secret formula for success:

Passion ÷ Perceived Effort = Success

Tina continues, “The more passion or desire we have and the easier we think it will be, the bigger our chance for success.  What is truly great about knowing this formula is the ability to improve our odds by finding ways to increase our passion and decrease our perceived effort.”


This blog is an excerpt from Susan’s new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more, please visit or



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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.