In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Readapt? Your ability to be resilient in times of change will empower you to thrive in the most challenging of circumstances.

Change is going to happen regardless of whether you want it to or not. Expecting it gives you a heads-up and a head start. Your ability to adapt to it right away will determine your level of resilience.  Every time there is a change which creates a new and unexpected reality for your life, you go through a three-step process: orientation (comfort zone); disorientation (confusion); reorientation (a new reality).

The speed at which you move from disorientation to reorientation will be determined by your ability to readapt—to find your feet on solid ground and step forward, no matter the weather. When you can do this in a healthy and thoughtful way, you will inevitably be more resilient.

As a lifetime Floridian, I grew up with perpetual summer and warm temperatures. At the age of fifty-one, I moved a thousand miles north to be with my wonderful man, Daniel, in Wisconsin. Talk about a change of environment! I had to trade my flip-flops for Wisconsin Badger boots!

Readapting to the climate, the harsh winters, and the differences in the culture is a perpetual adventure to say the least. It’s been one of my more challenging personal changes, due to being so far away from my close family and friends. This has required me to readapt, appreciating them and their visits all the more. Precious.

As we hike through and discover new territory, the beauty of change emerges all around us. An example in nature is chameleons. They naturally adapt to change, while still being true to themselves. When they find themselves in a new environment, they will change their colors to fit in. This also keeps them safe and helps them to survive and thrive.

Like the chameleon, you may also find yourself in a new and changing environment. How can you change yourself to integrate and succeed? This is not change to the point that you become inauthentic, but rather, you become more situationally aware, increasingly intuitive, and considerate of the people around you. Learning to be a social chameleon will enable you to navigate situations with ease and adapt to your circumstances.

Resisting change and failing to adapt can compromise your position in experiencing a satisfying life, diminish your effectiveness in an organization, create relationship struggles, and lead to missed opportunities. Learn methods for readapting so that you too may find the confidence, safety, and ability to thrive in most any environment—in your personal and business life.

10 Ways to Readapt in Times of Change

  1. Shift your mindset and attitude; refocus to have a healthier relationship with change.
  2. Be proactive and take responsibility for how you respond.
  3. Find gifts in the pain and seek lessons which may be learned.
  4. Shed limiting belief systems.
  5. Change your expectations.
  6. Be brave enough to stretch beyond your comfort zone.
  7. Ask for help when you need it.
  8. Focus on what you want more of.
  9. Stop blaming, naming, judging, and making excuses.
  10. Forgive yourself and others.

This blog is an excerpt from Susan’s new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more, please visit or


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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.