In REVIEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Reaffirm? It validates your opinions, decisions, and desired outcomes and it increases your confidence and conviction.

Affirmative words and actions confirm you are on the right path and help you attract what you desire. Whether you are reaffirm a dream, a goal, a previous commitment, or a person, reaffirmations identify and strengthen your possibilities. Begin reaffirming yourself and other people through encouragement, acknowledgments, a listening ear, and a spirit of gratefulness.

6 Things You Can Reaffirm

  1. Reaffirm your employees to build emotional safety, their value, and a culture of encouragement in the workplace.
  2. Reaffirm your customers to build relationships, repeat business, and their referrals.
  3. Reaffirm to others that you can be trusted and depended on through words and actions. You do what you say.
  4. Reaffirm your goals as needed to fortify your resolve.
  5. Reaffirm your special talents and strengths to build confidence and healthy self-esteem.
  6. Reaffirm your dedication to your mate, your family, and friends by demonstrating your love and loyalty.

Reaffirmations can disempower the critical voice that plays over in your head and creates self-doubt and worry. Shut that baby down and replace it with what can be done rather than what can’t. And rather than allowing the judgmental opinions of others to bring you down, reaffirming will help you stay in tune, in touch, and on task with what you truly want and with what is good for you.

Positive Affirmations

Your thoughts have the power to change the function and structure of your brain. Repeating positive and specific statements can stimulate neuroplasticity, which enables you to retrain your brain by growing new neurons and connections. If you want to develop a mindset for success, first acknowledge which thoughts need to change and then replace them with ones that work in your favor. Since your thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies, fill your mind with positive intentions and use positive affirmations to succeed.

How to Write Powerful Affirmations

  • Ask yourself what you truly want.
  • Write your affirmations, using, “I am,” “I can,” “I have,” “I know,” or “I do.”
  • Make statements positive and in present tense.
  • Use passion, feeling, and emotion. Hope will prevail.

By reaffirming your desired outcomes as if they have already happened, you will activate the law of attraction and set the energy in motion to manifest whatever good you desire.

This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Speaker Susan Young's Blog