In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Rebrand?  Our changing world often requires us to change right along with it so that we stay fresh, relevant, and engaged.

It Might Be Time to Rebrand When . . .

  1. Your brand, once relevant and effective, becomes worn out or outdated. (Companies know that to successfully grow their market share and maintain their competitive edge, it is imperative for them to rebrand for a positive top-of-the-mind consumer awareness.) On that note, take a step back and decide which areas of your life could also use a rebranding.
  2. You have grown above and beyond your original skills set, experience, and vision—and need to develop and introduce the latest, new and improved you.
  3. You have new offers, products, services, and solutions, and need to reintroduce yourself and your updated and refreshed business positioning to the public.
  4. You want to seize new opportunities by tapping into and attracting a new target market in which you display who you are, what you do, why you do it, and where.

Rebrand for Personal Transformation

Rebranding doesn’t apply to just business. It is the proverbial facelift. I have known many friends who were ready for a massive life overhaul. Their priority? To transform every area of their life to achieve greater happiness and well-being.

Cheri, my friend that I’ve referred to throughout these pages, got to a point where she simply wanted to feel better and be healthier. She never wanted to diet again, but wanted to release poundage. (Notice I did not say ‘lose weight’ because that would indicate that it would return.) Rather than exercising self-sabotage and critical condemnation, she changed the way she loved herself. She began to celebrate her body, fill it with life-giving nutrition, and move and groove, as she enjoyed heart pumping energy shifting endorphins. She chose to remove all sugar, whites, and caffeine from her diet, and to run three times a week.

Her weight fell off so fast her clothes no longer fit. We went shopping for an entirely new wardrobe to celebrate her new body, life, and brand. With her credit card and my personal eye for color and style, we went shopping and she got a new attitude and an entirely new experience.

She looks and feels amazing. People hardly recognize her and are stunned by her new awesomeness. She reflected on and wanted to reclaim what was lost. Through personal resolve, she chose to rebrand—and an upbeat attitude accompanied her as she transformed from the inside out. Beautiful!

What Can Be Rebranded in Your Life?

  • Your attitude (anything that needs to take on a fresh image)
  • Your vision, values, and mission statement
  • Your personal style—haircut, wardrobe, jewelry
  • Your business, including your website, logo, graphics, business card, social media, marketing, and promotion

By giving your old brand a fresh new twist you will not only illustrate your desire to stay relevant, it might even help you to be perceived and received in a more positive light.

This blog is an excerpt from Susan’s new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more, please visit or


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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.