In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Reimagine?  It enables you to go beyond the edge of your current reality and to expand your imagination, possibilities and understanding.

Reimagine Your Vision

Re-imagination is the birthplace for renewed vision and change. Your imagination is one of the most valuable talents you have and deserves your full attention. Imagining how you want to live your life is one thing, but connecting your imagination to a visual representation will give you exactly the traction you need to make it a reality. Visual imagery allows you the opportunity to feel, touch, taste, and embrace what it would be like for your dreams to come true.

Imagine setting goals in every area of your life to fulfill your heart’s desires, and then connecting each goal to a visual image to see it accomplished. It is a powerful way to retrain the brain to expect and manifest success.

Proven methods for visualization include vision boards, vision books, mind-mapping, and creative brainstorming. Begin connecting your imagination with visual symbols and it will make your re-imagination process fruitful and fulfilling.

Reimagine the Possibilities

What would you do today if you knew you couldn’t fail and success was guaranteed? Answering this brilliant question will require you to move beyond your current reality, remove failure from the equation, and actively engage your imagination. Why not?

With imagining all things as being possible, how would you like for your life to look 5, 10, and 15 years from now? Reimagine what it would look like if your wildest dreams could come to fruition.

My friend, Dan Burrus, is a global futurist, international speaker, best-selling author, and a consultant to businesses, governments, and organizations across the world.  Dan’s platform has been enriched by his ability to help others imagine beyond our current reality and discover trends which can predict and change an individual’s future.

In his book, Flash Foresight . . . How to See the Invisible and Do the Impossible, he defines flash foresight as having a “sudden burst of insight about the future that produces a new and radically different way of doing something that will open up invisible opportunities and solve seemingly impossible problems before they happen.” As a teacher, one of his greatest joys is detonating idea bombs in the minds of his audiences, and it all begins with each individual’s imagination.


Re-imaginers are those special people among us who use their imaginations without allowing fear, judgment, failure, or the opinions of others to stand in their way. They have the rare ability to step into their imaginations, play around a while, and bring forth brilliant and creative expressions in their work, their play, and in their business.

Re-imaginers Include:

  • Artists
  • Risk Takers
  • Game changers
  • Innovators
  • Inventors
  • Problem solvers
  • Riders
  • Storytellers
  • Actors
  • Painters

When Imagination Goes to the Dark Side

Since most of our fears are based on dark imaginings, it is vital for us to dwell on our magnificent obsessions and desired results–to look at where we want to go, as opposed to that troubled place where we may have been or may still be hiding.”

—Denis Waitley

Be aware that your imagination can work in your favor or against you. Have you known people who imagine the worst, and as a result, that is exactly what they attract? When they imagine they will be an epic failure, their negative expectation becomes their reality. When they imagine they are going to get hurt in a relationship, they do. When their imaginations run away from them, it becomes a detriment to their health and well-being. Their imagination prevents them from living a fabulous, adventurous, rewarding life.

Just as your imagination can be the ball and chain which imprisons you in fear and resistance, it can also be the key which unlocks the gate for you to run free and live an extraordinary life. It is vital to know the difference.

What Can You Reimagine?

  • Reimagine being pain-free.
  • Reimagine having vibrant and sustainable energy.
  • Reimagine having mental clarity and acuity.
  • Reimagine doing the impossible.
  • Reimagine living the ultimate lifestyle.
  • Reimagine financial freedom and prosperity.
  • Reimagine a career where your work is your passion.
  • Reimagine a happy home and a loving family.
  • Reimagine being surrounded by family and friends who love, accept, and adore you.
  • Reimagine having the financial abundance to make a difference in the lives of many.
  • Reimagine living in a peaceful world without hunger, hate, or cruelty.

Pick one—allow your positive imagination to start there and fly!


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.