In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Reinvest? To capitalize, rearrange, or improve upon investments which you have already made to earn a better return.

You have tremendous resources and assets—simply by virtue of breathing, being safe and able, and being alive. In addition to these birthrights, you are hopefully blessed with time, energy, loved ones, friendships, health, money, intelligence, and untapped resources.

Have you invested your time, effort, energy, heart, money, and soul in places that are performing poorly, dragging you down, causing pain, or are a losing proposition? Perhaps it’s time to move it all elsewhere to achieve richer rewards and better returns.

Earning a great return on your financial investments requires reinvesting wisely. Reinvesting does not only apply to money. It also applies to the intangible assets from which you can reap the greatest return. Are you reinvesting in what matters most?

The Benefits of Reinvesting Encourage You to:

  • Build upon or enhance what is already working well.
  • Improve your efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity.
  • Put your resources into areas that matter most to you.
  • Be proactive in the results which impact you the most.
  • Connect with your passion, purpose, and progress. Feel the reward, whether tangible or intangible.

Financially speaking, my personal assets and investments felt like “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride,” while our country was in economic turmoil and upheaval—paralleling my life situation at the time.  Some areas performed, while others tanked. Perhaps this happened to you as well. If it didn’t, I am sure you know many people who were impacted. It brought fear, indecision, confusion, and a dread of not knowing which next steps would be the most prudent. Restoring balance after the storm required me to reinvest, rearrange, restrategize, and reconsider my options if I was to enjoy financial serenity and stability once again.

6 Important Reinvestments

  1. Reinvest in your personal growth, in the ways most meaningful to you.
  2. Reinvest in your relationships with love, attention, time, nurturing, and healthy, heartfelt connection.
  3. Reinvest your time in priorities that matter—to you.
  4. Reinvest in your state of mind through managing stress, by reawakening to the hopeful and positive.
  5. Reinvest in your body with regular exercise and sound nutrition.
  6. Reinvest in life experiences and meaningful moments to create happy memories, through deliberate planning.

“You’ve got to invest in the world, you’ve got to read, you’ve got to go to art galleries, you’ve got to find out the names of plants. You’ve got to start to love the world and know about the whole genius of the human race. We’re amazing people.”   —Vivienne Westwood

This blog is an excerpt from Susan’s new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more, please visit or


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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.