In REVIEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Rewind? To re-experience a memory, a moment, or a feeling.

 Do you remember seeing a TV show or a movie in which they would rewind the film and reverse the scene which had just occurred? Imagine a person taking a running leap into a swimming pool and splashing everyone sitting nearby.

Now rewind the scene in your mind, with their actions reversed and the water going back into the pool so that everyone is dry again. While you may not be able to rewind things physically, going back and looking at events mentally may allow you to notice aspects which you might not have seen before.

This visual illustrates the value of rewinding scenarios in your own life, relationships, or behavior, to help you pay attention to things that you may have missed the first time around.

Play It Again, Sam

There are times when I cannot sleep at night. As a nocturnal exercise, I will rewind my mind to the good times when I lived in my family home, in my first apartment, in our various dream homes, where my babies were born—and move chronologically through the years.

At each home, I take a mental walk around, and then move onto the next one. As I immerse myself in the sights, sounds, colors, and fragrances, I am reminded of many experiences of love, a secure home, and much happiness and comfort. Considering I have lived in over sixteen places, the memories are rich and rewarding—and quite a long walk! Ultimately, this practice helps me fall asleep.

Just as you might rewind music to enjoy the lyrics over and over again, rewinding your good memories and appreciated moments replays the movies of your life. I hope you enjoy the show.

4 Scenarios to Rewind (but not at bedtime)

  1. Rewind a conversation to the beginning and replay to identify how misunderstanding may have occurred and to learn how to better convey your message to aid in understanding next time.
  2. Rewind a decision which ended up having unanticipated consequences in order to influence future decisions.
  3. Rewind heartbreak in order to face, accept, and heal old wounds.
  4. Rewind a careless word or criticism and replace it with a compliment or kind word.

 The big advantage of a book is that it is very easy to rewind.  Close it and you are right back at the beginning.”   —Jerry Seinfeld


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or


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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.