13 Areas to Restrengthen for Resilience & Success

  Why Restrengthen?  Fortifying your personal strength, potency, and power boosts your confidence, energy, and courage to boldly navigate change and transformation. Even a life lived well [...]


Tune-in, Tune-up & Reharmonize to Calm the Chaos in Life

  Why Reharmonize? Bringing various qualities together in harmony will create music rather than noise, bringing peace, calm, and delight. In the rhythm of life, perfect harmony is bliss, yet [...]


7 Ways to Reaccelerate to Gain Forward Momentum

  Why Reaccelerate?  When we lose momentum and stop moving toward our dreams—or are unable to function normally in our day—it’s time to pick ourselves up, turn our engines on and get [...]


Boost Your Bounce-ability Factor to Rebound with Resilience

  Why Rebound? Life will inevitably hand us unexpected setbacks, hardships, and failures that we must find a way to prevail over. “The ability to bounce back after a setback is probably the [...]


Recommit Your Energy & Attention When Dedication Waivers

  Why Recommit? Asserting your dedication to a project, a goal, a person/people, or yourself through reaffirmation and action will propel you along the course you have chosen. “Productivity [...]