In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation


Why Recommit? Asserting your dedication to a project, a goal, a person/people, or yourself through reaffirmation and action will propel you along the course you have chosen.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.”

—Paul J. Meyer

Have you ever made a commitment for which you felt conviction or passion at the time in which it was made, yet as time went by, you lost interest, lost passion, got distracted, or found something else which would result in a greater reward? If your commitments have waivered, recommit yourself to fulfill your promises and do the right thing.

What Can You Recommit To?

  • Recommit to your relationships.
  • Recommit to your goals.
  • Recommit to your education.
  • Recommit to a spiritual path.
  • Recommit to your promises.
  • Recommit to your sobriety.
  • Recommit to doing your best.
  • Recommit to your health, wellness, and exercise plan.

Lack of Commitment

Broken commitments can lead to disappointment, betrayal, loss of respect for yourself and others, and damage to your reputation; unfortunately, with a snowball effect. Often times this will happen when a person has made a half-hearted commitment by trying to make other people happy. It’s not surprising when a forced commitment lacks dedication. No wonder it may inevitably lead to broken promises. Evaluate to consider if you have made a commitment in integrity and decide whether to drop it or reinforce it; make appropriate adjustments keeping in mind how you might avoid or repair any damage that might occur to others.

Over Commitment

A friend shared with me how she was serving on several work projects.  Her coach challenged her as to how many she felt obligated to but didn’t enjoy. She guessed four, but after further review realized there were seven, yes, seven!  Her coach reminded her that she was taking up space and preventing someone else from stepping in who was fully committed and could bring greater contributions. She cheerfully, without guilt, resigned from all seven of her commitments, enabling her to recommit her energy towards her skills and passions, which naturally began to take her where she really wanted to go.

“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.”

—Zig Ziglar

Motivational Keynote Speaker and Change Expert Susan C. Young helps organizations leverage the power of Change & Resilience to Boost Positivity, Improve Engagement and Transform their Teams to make a POSITIVE IMPACT in life and business. This is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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