In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Re-emerge?  To acknowledge that something greater may be at work in you; re-introduce positive changes and allow your light to shine to the world.

Transformations Revealed

“Move that bus!” This statement is from one of my favorite TV shows, “Extreme Makeovers.” It’s no longer on, but they would take a family in need and renovate, rebuild, restore, and renew their home to be bigger, better, and more beautiful than ever. The families were given the gift of a dream home through the love, generosity, kindness, and donations of volunteers and sponsors. Once their home was ready, it  re-emerged as their dream come true.

Similarly, it is impressive to see how people work hard to transform their lives, their bodies, and their relationships to become the best version of themselves. Before and after photos illustrate their re-emergence as if to reintroduce themselves to the world.

Release the layers that weigh you down and hold you back. There are things within you that can come to light, surface and materialize. Release the past and see what might re-emerge as you prepare to begin the next chapter in your life. Be open to recognizing something greater than yourself is at work, and can emerge from within you.

From What Can You Re-emerge?

  • Re-emerge from failure and find success.
  • Re-emerge from setbacks and become victorious.
  • Re-emerge from heartbreak and love again.
  • Re-emerge from depression and be happy again.
  • Re-emerge from the shadows and live in the light again.
  • Re-emerge from isolation and solitude to engage with others.

Re-emerge Victoriously

 “When people endure a traumatic event, they are either defeated or made stronger. On Sept. 11, I told New Yorkers, ‘I want you to emerge stronger from this.’ My words were partially a hope and partially an observation that people in New York City handle big things better than little things. I could not be more proud of the way my city responded.”

—Rudy Giuliani

         Have you ever traveled through an emotionally dark and painful valley which felt like the walls were engulfing you on all sides? Yet, as you continued to forge through, you could see the light at the end of the tunnel? And as you stepped into the light, did you re-emerge wiser, stronger, and more resilient than you were before? There is much to be gained from successfully navigating through change and re-emerging on the other side victorious.


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.