In REDO for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Rearrange? Creating spatial serenity and order will impact you in positive ways, both psychologically and physically, that can help you become more effective and peaceful.

The shows on HGTV that design, remodel, and renovate living spaces are inspiring and fun. I enjoy seeing the joyful disbelief in people’s eyes when they get to see their “space-lift” in their homes for the first time—with everything picture-perfect and organized.

Feeling at home, surrounded by beauty and peace, with a sense of order is something we need—not only in the rooms we live in, but in the work we do, and the people that we enjoy.

Straightening, organizing, and shuffling stuff around will open your world to welcome new possibilities. It helps you to clear out the old to bring in the new. When everything is moved to the right space and stored in the right place, you will enjoy more effectiveness, efficiency, and ease.

Ask yourself: Am I wasting time on frivolous activities? What is easily undone and has proven to be a waste of time? What can I do differently to contribute to the solution of my clutter or organizational problems?

What Can You Rearrange?

  • Your schedule—to use your time more productively.
  • Your furniture—to improve the flow of energy and traffic.
  • Your relationships. My wise friend Mary Seals once said, “Some of the people in your life need to be thought of like furniture, and you simply have to rearrange the room. Some should be moved to the closet or kicked to the curb.”
  • Your priorities—to get the most important things done first.
  • The pieces of the puzzle—to see which formation comes together to make the picture complete.

One week before the September 11, 2001 tragedy, we wrote a contract to purchase a new home and listed our existing one. It gave us nine months to sell before we had to close on the new one. Plenty of time to get it done, right?

When the Twin Towers fell, everything in America came to a grinding halt— including real estate. After eight grueling months of open houses and no success, we were faced with the scary possibility of double mortgage payments.

Until . . . the day my talented friend Monika walked in. We call her the house whisperer for a reason—she has a profound gift for understanding how energy and flow impact our well-being and environment.

She spent the next few hours simply moving through my home and rearranging its furniture and accessories. When she was done, everything felt better. Miraculously, the next person who walked in wrote a contract! Consider rearrangement to transform your outcomes.


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or


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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.