In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation


Why Receive? By opening your heart to gratefully receive the kindness, generosity, and service of others, you not only enjoy the benefits of their consideration, but you also allow them the gift of giving.

Are you comfortable and willing to be of service to others, but find it difficult to receive the same in return? Are you quick to give, but resist receiving, even when you need the help? Your ability to receive not only opens the space for great things to enter your life, it also returns a gift of grace to the giver.

Refusal and Rejection

The statement, “It is better to give than to receive” is a confusing and ridiculous theory without explanation. Giving and receiving require participation in both directions to make the circle complete. It is a reciprocal interaction requiring mutual generosity, respect, appreciation—and humility.

However, while many people will give you the shirt off their backs, they will never ask for help.  Is it because they do not want to impose or inconvenience anyone? Or is it possible that they will feel obligated to return the favor? Or perhaps it’s pride that gets in the way.

We also experience this rejection from people whom we attempt to compliment or celebrate. Why would someone reject praise or refuse a kind deed when it is offered with sincerity, love, support, and generosity?

Is it because they feel undeserving and unworthy? Is it because it makes them uncomfortable or embarrassed to receive singled-out attention, even though it is positive? Do they feel it makes them appear less humble, or a flattery seeker or someone who likes the spotlight?

Regardless, we’ve all probably been on both ends of the “giving and receiving” cycle and felt uncomfortable with the response we got, or the response we may have given. Even if it is uncomfortable for you to receive, soften the rejection by kindly responding with a smile, and a simple “Thank you.”

5 Things to Receive Graciously. Be Willing to . . .

  1. Receive help.
  2. Receive gifts.
  3. Receive kindness.
  4. Receive feedback.
  5. Receive compliments.

Create the Space to Receive

“We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive such beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion.”

—Max de Pree

Open your heart to possibilities, open your mind to opportunities, and open your imagination to creativity, and you will attract amazing blessings just waiting to be received! Once you consciously decide that you are open to give and receive graciously and gratefully, an abundance of good things will rush in to meet you.

Motivational Keynote Speaker and Change Expert Susan C. Young helps organizations leverage the power of Change & Resilience to Boost Positivity, Improve Engagement and Transform their Teams to make a POSITIVE IMPACT in life and business. This is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Motivational Keynote Speaker Susan C Young, Release the Power of Re3 BookMotivational Keynote Speaker Susan C Young, Release the Power of Re3 Book