In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Replant? Finding a healthier place for your roots to grow will allow you to blossom to your full potential.

“The future may be rooted in the past, but you can always uproot and replant.” 


Replanting will help you sow the desires of your heart. And if your plantings don’t take, don’t give up. Simply plant, plant, and replant as needed. Do this until your precious seed germinates, lodges into place, and you see the evidence of growth.

When you have failed at something, try again. When your hopes and expectations have fallen through, don’t give up. When you have lost something which you once valued, seek to replace it. Replanting is the natural process to spur growth and renewal.

To Ensure Future Benefit

Florida is home to thousands of acres of orange groves.  Every few years there will be a winter freeze that hits so hard it destroys thousands of trees.  The grove owners have no other choice but to remove the dead trees and replant their groves with new trees if they hope to stay in business. The replanting ensures future crops and prosperity.

Plant something today that your future self will thank you for. As with any seed or plant, follow these steps: Don’t bury it too deep, give it room to grow, provide the nutrition it needs to thrive, understand it may take longer than expected, and realize the fruit might taste different than you imagine.

What Can You Replant?

  • A dream which has died inside.
  • An affirming belief in yourself or others.
  • An idea that can grow into something big.
  • A suggestion to guide your team for improvement.

Roots to Grow and Wings to Fly

“Choose to bloom wherever you are planted.”


A plant can become root bound when it is living in an environment which constricts its expansion. Without the room to grow and expand, its roots can become tangled, mangled, and strangled. A plant can only grow relative to the size of its limited confines thereby stifling its potential.

Once the plant is moved to a larger pot, however, it is given the space, place, and freedom to grow. While the uprooting may at first cause a shock to its system, it finds a way to adapt to its new home. Transplanting will help it grow in ways which would not have happened otherwise. It allows for expansion and creates the opportunity to increase its size, strength, vitality, influence, and beauty.

You may have experienced a similar situation, either because a life change has uprooted your world from what you once knew, or because your environment was limiting your personal growth and expansion. Apply these standard planting principles to areas in life, work, and self where you would like to stimulate new and revitalized growth. It is in the replanting or transplanting that you can do some of your best work and expand your roots to grow, thrive, and flourish. Whether you need to change places physically or metaphorically, replanting and putting down new roots will encourage new possibilities.

Motivational Keynote Speaker and Change Expert Susan C. Young helps organizations leverage the power of Change & Resilience to Boost Positivity, Improve Engagement and Transform their Teams to make a POSITIVE IMPACT in life and business. This is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Motivational Keynote Speaker Susan C Young, Release the Power of Re3 BookMotivational Keynote Speaker Susan C Young, Release the Power of Re3 Book