In REVIEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Rethink? The first thought is not always the best thought; raise awareness that there is more than one right way to do things.

The progression of reclaiming things lost naturally causes you to rethink things in a different way. Possibility replaces pessimism because you are beginning to feel the personal power that is being released, due to stepping up to face change or create change. Taking this seriously will assure you recognize and apply what you are learning on these pages. It’s exciting!

Like most people, you have likely made decisions which appeared to be the right decision at the time, but once you reassessed your choice, you discovered it needed to be reversed or at the very least, amended. Rethinking gives you permission to use your thoughts to change your mind. If you need it, I’m giving you permission. It is okay.

Because when new information comes to light or new details are revealed, or your priorities have shifted, it is prudent to rethink your opinions and choices to stay in alignment with your values, stay relevant, informed and productive.

Rethinking takes what was previously known, or commonly accepted, and spins it around to give you a new review of the facts, as you look at the realities of your life, at this current time, with a fresh perspective.

Whether rethinking confirms what you did right or illustrates the need to change direction, it is a valuable tool for your personal excellence.

Rethink Potential Scenarios

One of my friends launched and grew a very successful business. She and her dedicated team had worked smart and hard to achieve their profitability, fine reputation, and community accolades. One day, she was approached by a large company who had admired their success. They proceeded to make her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Her decision to sell or not to sell was not an easy one. She did not want to disrupt her employees or compromise the integrity of her vision.

She laid out different scenarios on paper, rethinking each idea for a while; flipping it up and down and all around, considering every pro, con, and angle along the way. Knowing that her final decision would have a lasting impact, she wanted to make sure she made the right choice for the best reason. Rethinking allowed her to move forward with confidence in selling her company with no regrets. Time has shown she made the right choice. My advice: sleep on it before you take a giant leap.

6 Ways to Rethink Change . . .

1. Disrupt
2. Shake-up
3. Challenge
4. Debate
5. Evolve
6. Transform

This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.