In REVIEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Remind? We are fallible human beings who can forget.

In the overwhelming demands of daily living, we get bombarded with continuous distractions, expectations, emotions, and responsibilities. Most of us know it, but stay on the virtual treadmill, allowing others’ needs and demands to control us, rather than realizing we deserve to take control, and live life in a way that works for us.

Is it any wonder that you have lost touch with simple pleasures? Life lessons you once knew and adhered to, that work well for you, have long been forgotten? Seriously, due to the fast pace of life, does it come as a surprise? I bet not.

Have you ever read a book or attended a seminar in which the content being shared served as a strong reminder of what you already knew? Perhaps some of the ideas were fresh and original, but the rest served as an excellent prompt to adopt it back into your life. We need those reminders every so often, in most all aspects of daily life.

Oftentimes, when I talk over an issue with a friend, she will remind me of something I already know, but her words remind, they strike a familiar chord, and help me get back on track to explore the issue further.

A few times a year, I plan something outrageously fun and goofy simply to remind myself that life doesn’t have to be so serious. How can you make play make play a part of your day to remind you of the joy found in living lightly?

8 Personal Reminders to Keep Your Life in Check:

1. Always know you are valuable, important, and loved.
2. Determine to choose your attitude and create your reality.
3. Take control through your free will to make changes, and learn to say “no.”
4. Choose to set boundaries; consider how you allow other people to make you feel.
5. Accept that failure and mistakes are an integral part of success.
6. Acknowledge that no one is perfect. It is okay to be imperfect and fallible.
7. Trust your best instincts and go with your gut.
8. Realize that everyone’s life has a purpose and you are here for a reason.

Commit to memory the things above that stood out to you the most—and if you forget, this list is here to remind you! I encourage you to stay aware of these simple truths—be reminded.


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.