In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Rejuvenate?  It makes life more enjoyable and invigorating. Maximize your qualities and boost your energy for excellence—every day.

Rejuvenation is a cleansing word that conjures images of jumping into a pool of cool water on a hot summer day. It refreshes our senses, washes away the remains of the day, and renews our energy from head to toe. It even makes us feel younger! Rejuvenation happens when you intentionally make the time to self-nurture. The result is to spring back and spring forth—revitalized. Turn on your favorite music and discover the joy of movement, play, and dance to shift your energy to a higher vibration.

When we do not make rejuvenation a part of our self-care, our reserves can become depleted. When there is little left within us, it is hard to graciously provide for others who count on us—most of us know this all too well.

When you do not have the resources to draw upon for resilience, you might become more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, destructive temptations, and negative emotions. To avoid and overcome these unhealthy states, find ways to rejuvenate and renew. Make the most of the wellness practices that have been proven to work for you—or try something new.

5 Ways for You to Rejuvenate

  1. Get plenty of rest.
  2. Detox your mind, body, and spirit from stress, contaminants, and unhealthy living.
  3. Eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water.
  4. Watch mindless shows filled with love, happiness, and laughter.
  5. Take a spa day for luxurious indulgence.
  6. Spend time in laughter and fun with a good friend.

Does This Sound Familiar?

 If I asked you, “When was the last time you went on a vacation?”  your response might be: “It depends on what your definition of a vacation is.”

I might add: “It’s when you go somewhere for five nights without a computer.”

In this scenario, many people answer, “Well, I guess that means I have never been on a vacation.”

In the particular case I’m thinking of, to take a real vacation, the woman left town for five nights. She flew to Atlanta, rented a car, and went gallivanting by herself to play, explore, and discover to her heart’s content. She later shared with me that it was life-changing and powerful. Before this, she had had no idea how badly she needed to unplug and recharge, until she created the time, space, and place to fully rejuvenate.

A Zest for Life

My friend Lysianne Unruh runs the company Time to Thrive Coaching ( where she works as a happiness strategist and empowerment coach helping women in transition turn these times of change into a source of power and opportunity.

One reason her clients enroll in her coaching is because they have lost their juicy enthusiasm and want to get their zest back.

Lysianne, shares a delightful metaphor for zest. She says, “It’s an enlivening pop of citrus-y goodness when bits of lime, lemon or orange peel get added to a recipe. It doesn’t take much—a tablespoon or two—to transform a dessert or cocktail.”

She continues, “Zesty people are like that too. Their enthusiasm and energy infuse liveliness into whatever situation or task is at hand. It doesn’t take much—usually one laughing, smiling, energetic person can elevate the energy in a room.”

A zestful spirit and enthusiastic attitude can rejuvenate not only the person who exudes it, but everyone’s whose lives are touched. Seek ways to create ‘jolts of joy’ and add zest to your life for true rejuvenation.


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.