In RENEW for Positive Change & Transformation

Why Reignite? Rekindle your passion and your purpose for living well by applying that special spark that gets you ‘fired up!’

Passion is that strong feeling of enthusiasm, ecstasy, or excitement which you feel for something or someone. This sizzling desire can light up your soul and fuel your commitment to be persistent in spite of obstacles and unfavorable circumstances. This depth of intrinsic motivation can transform your life unlike anything else and align you with true happiness. Is it time to reignite?

What lights your fire? What gets you so excited that when you are in that state you feel invincible and ready to take on the world? Fan those flames and surround yourself with people who will too. As Rumi wrote, “Set your own fire. Seek those who fan your flame.”

Working with Wet Wood

What happens when the passion dies? Are there areas in your life for which you once felt great passion, but the heat has disappeared? If you have ever been in love, you know how the bursting flames of passion can change your perspective on everything. Being on fire and experiencing that flash is glorious, but that degree of heat is rarely sustainable.

As with any other fire, flames must be stoked to keep the fire burning brightly. They must be fed with fuel and oxygen because if those are denied, cutoff, or squelched, the fire dies. The same happens with most passions and desires in our lives. If we do not feed them with attention, actions, or nurturing, the light may go dim and eventually burn out. What is the spark of life that is going to get you off the starting block and into action?

Passion is a very personal emotion which burns deeply from within, however, we sometimes hand this power to control our passion over to others—and in doing so, allow them to throw water on our flames. Have you had people in your life who stomp on your dreams, invalidate your passion, and rob you of your joy? Now is the time to reclaim your power to rekindle, relight, and reignite your potential.

 7 Things You Can Reignite in Your Life. Reignite Your . . .

  1.  passion for life and for yourself.
  2.  passion for your work and career path.
  3.  relationships, intimate and otherwise.
  4.  dreams and possibilities.
  5.  physical activities and efforts.
  6.  motivation for making positive changes.
  7.  desire to do your best and try new things.

How Can You Light Your Fire?

  • Learn something new to stimulate your ideas.
  • Start doing what you love in life and business.
  • Be with people who lift you up and raise your energy.
  • Listen to your heart and body and do more of what makes you feel great.
  • Minimize or eliminate the negative habits, thoughts, interactions with people, or influences that diminish your flame.

Passion Restored

In her inspirational book, A Passion for Living (, my treasured friend Marnie Tate shares how she has navigated pain, beat stress, and overcome adversity to live a life of joy, passion, and fulfillment. She acknowledges that we all have moments of despair and discouragement and that even the most joyful among us experiences trying times that deplete our energy and dim our light.

She recalls a time when she hit complete exhaustion and burnout while caring for a dying father and running her financial advising business. She found herself in a funk which was hard to get out of. Marnie said, “I had committed to a weekend with some girlfriends in Florida and didn’t think I was in the right frame of mind to be with them. I had nothing else to give. I was wrong.

After four days of laughing, eating outdoors, walking on the beach, and having no agenda, by the time the weekend was over, my mojo had returned. It was therapy of the grandest kind and my life felt free and glorious again. Friends lift us up when we don’t have the energy to fly and I am so grateful for mine. Being able to lean on and depend on our friends when the going gets tough is one of our life’s biggest blessings.” Joy returned. Passion restored.

“One of the strongest characteristics of genius is the power of lighting one’s own fire.”   

—John Foster


This blog is an excerpt from her new book, Release the Power of Re3 . . . Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation. To learn more,  please visit or

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Keynote Speaker Susan C Young shares resilience tips from her book Release the Power of Re3: Review, Redo & Renew for Positive Change & Transformation.